Experienced in Full Stack Development & Data Engineering

My name is Jagveer Singh and I am a Web Developer & Data Engineer at the California Department of Technology. I work in the Office of Enterprise Technology under the Chief Data & Geospatial Officer of the State of California.

I'm an avid tech and biotech enthusiast, and I enjoy solving problems with technology. My past experiences have allowed me to apply my skills in various contexts to ultimately deliver successful & impactful solutions in academic, business, and government settings.

California Department of Technology

CA Notify Exposure Notifications

Built large portions of the CA-Notify data backend and Python application including data deduplication logic, phone number verifications, and communication with Google servers. Implemented multithreading for SMS verifications, increasing throughput by over 600% from baseline. Used by over 10 Million Californians.

COVID19.CA.GOV Tables & Dashboards

Operationalized multiple Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) pipelines to bring data into Snowflake to ultimately serve on Covid19.ca.gov. Implemented event-driven pipelines using AWS Lambda, Azure Data Factory, Databricks, and Snowflake Snowpipes. Also implemented charts using Chart.js and HighCharts.

California Digital Vaccine Record (DVR)

Implemented the database layer logic to serve to the California Digital Vaccine Record application. This included data deduplication, ETL processes, creation of database views/ schemas, and performance optimizations. Assisted in API development.

Virtual Assistant DVR Remediaion Portal

Chief software developer of the Digital Vaccine Remediation Portal. This application is used by 50+ employees at the California Dept. of Public Health to assist people who can't find their COVID Digital Vaccine Record. Built with Node.js, React.js, and C#/.NET Core 5.

Current Initiatives

Punjabi Professionals

Punjabi Professionals is an online linguistic SaaS platform for businesses to promote their services in the Punjab-speaking community. I built the application using React.js, Material UI, and Django, and launched in August 2021. The platform currently has several business clients and a monthly-recurring-revenue of over $100.

CloudBCI: The Neural Interface Cloud

CloudBCI is a new project I'm working on that aims to accelerate innovation in neural-interface development. It is a cloud Platform-as-a-Service that will allow developers to easily connect their BCI devices to the cloud to store, analyze, and process data. The platform provides a layer of abstraction above AWS to faciliate development and hide infrastructure details.

Work Experience

Software Engineering Intern - Intel Corporation

Used AngularJS, Flask, MS-SQL, and Grafana to implement features and create documentation for a full stack web application in the Visual Technologies team. Investigated failures and implemented fixes for unit test regressions.

Data Science Intern - UC Davis Synthetic Biology Lab

Researched and developed machine learning models in Python using Keras, NumPy, SciKit Learn and various bioinformatics libraries to predict the self assembling structure of peptides. Presented research at the UC Davis Machine Learning Conference and the UC Wide Bioengineering Symposium.

Software Engineer - Fruitful Health

Developed a mobile app using ReactNative and Django. Created prescription scanner and parser using Google Cloud Vision. Finalists in multiple national competitions, including Microsoft Imagine Cup & the American College of Physicians Entrepreneurship Challenge.

Web Developer - Willow Clinic

Conducted needs assessment by working with and listening to the needs of Willow Clinic medical staff and patients. Designed and deployed a WordPress site. Integrated Google Calendar for events management.


Brain Computer Interface to Communicate with Google Using Thoughts

Built a BCI based on research done at the MIT Media Lab to query smart assistants (i.e. Google, Alexa) using only your thoughts. Achieved 90% accuracy over two-way classification by splitting time series data into intervals, and then applying a custom Convolutional Neural Network.

EV Explorer: UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies

Developed a full stack web application that allows users to compare the cost of owning and operating various vehicles based on their commute patterns. Built with Angular and Express/Node.js. Used D3 (data visualization) and FuelEconomy.gov APIs.

CardionHRR: An Android Application to Measure Heart Rate Recovery

Developed an Android application during high school in Java using Android Studio to measure Heart Rate Recovery. Uses screen tapping to measure and calculate heart rate recovery (HRR), a clinical metric used by Cardiologists to assess cardiovascular health.


Build Clean, Scalable Web Apps with the DRAGoN Stack

Django, React.js, Apollo, Graphene, oh and Next.js: So you’re an aspiring full-stack developer and you’ve already been introduced to the wonderful mess that our field often feels like to newbies. Congrats and welcome ...

1000 Books Every CS Major Should Read

Most computer science and engineering majors already have far too much reading on their plate to consider any outside reading of their own. If you’re not reading textbooks or documentation, then you’re probably reading Stack Overflow ...


I graduated from UC Davis in the Univesity Honors Program with a major GPA of 3.65. I was deeply involved in Willow Clinic and the Artificial Intelligence Society, and was the President & CoFounder of Neurotech@Davis.

  • University of California, Davis
  • Class of 2020
  • Computer Science (3.65/4.00)

Get In Touch

Please feel free to reach out with any questions, comments, or just for a chat. I'd also like to invite you to connect on LinkedIn.